Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Derrick Feldmann: Building a New Nonprofit Workforce With Millennial Leaders

Derrick Feldmann: Building a New Nonprofit Workforce With Millennial Leaders
The accelerated speed of change is today's reality. For Millennials this reality has created a new call to serve nonprofit organizations. It's a call to be a risk-taker in a time when others think risk should be avoided because of economic or other uncertainties. It's a call to lead a team while others seek to maintain operations at the status quo. It's a call to change the work environment not because someone's boss or board has told them to do so, but because their gut says that change is necessary and needs to happen now.

Derrick and Kari are presenting at AFP International Conference

Title: What Can You Learn From the Next Generation and What Can They Learn From You? (Room 30C)
Date & Time: Tue 4/09 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Speakers: Derrick FeldmannKari SaratovskyEmily Yu @DCxChangeCarly MilloyScot Chisholm
Location: San Diego Convention Center - Room 30C
Skill Level: Intermediate
Education Track: Career Development
Sector: Trends
Is there a great divide in your fundraising shop? On one side stands a few seasoned fundraisers and across a wide communication, cultural and generational chasm stand numerous younger development staff. In this interactive session, a panel of both younger professionals and supervisors who excel in working with them will discuss issues, differences and stumbling blocks typical of this working relationship and how to overcome them. They will share their insights about making a shop that consists of generational diversity not only work but excel. Both groups have much to contribute to the fundraising success at your organization. At the core of this session is the intersection of the incredible wisdom of more seasoned fundraisers and the innovative and energetic younger fundraisers. Whichever side of the divide you are on, this session is for you.

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